Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing #5 - RSS

I read an article by Hannah Feldman entitled, "Don't Save The World". She made some interesting remarks about the current trend for High School and College students to travel to the far ends of the earth on mission trips, humanitarian causes of all types, and basically, attemp to "save the world". She, on the other hand, prefers to stay at home and knit! Her bottom line is that students should not feel pressure to accomplish things during their summer vacations other than what they desire to do. And that, possibly, might be simply reading, knitting, or working at Habitat for Humanity right in their own community. These honest reflections and summaries made by a junior in high school can be found at http://students2oh.org/


  1. Some additional reflections as I've been thinking about this article.....
    From personal experience, I've noticed that my own children have grown tremendously as they've taken some summers to go on mission trips and have experienced completely different cultures and have had to trust God to provide financially, physically, and spiritually for these ministries. I would even go so far as to say that they have changed the direction of their lives! There is so much to gain from stepping outside of our comfort zones in all areas of our lives!!
    However, I do realize there is a benefit in having "down time" for some teenagers and at different points in their lives, this can be beneficial as well. I would hate to see that be used as an "excuse" though for be willing to "stretch" your faith and try something new or follow what God wants you to do!

  2. Interesting article that made me take a look at our daughter's summer schedule (ONLY CHILD). At only 11 years old, we have not slowed down at all with school getting out. She is in summer school PE, playing for two softball teams right now (she is 10u moving up to 12u), taking pitching lessons, and still in cello lessons. Yea, I doubt these are the things she would "choose".

  3. Wow! I think the reason we expect students to fill their summer schedules with "meaningful" things is that our schedules are so full? How many times have I allowed others to fill my schedule for the summer? So this year I am fighting back. I am taking the summer off and spending it with my son and husband. I think next year I will show my kids that blog so that they will realize that they can have a voice.
