Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thing #12 - another tool - "30 Boxes"

I really like "30 Boxes"http://30boxes.com/welcome.php because I am a complete "calendar nerd"! I literally live moment by moment with a binder that has a personal calendar and a professional calendar side by side so that I can keep my life straight!! Although this system works for me I can see that using "30 Boxes" would be less cumbersome! The calendar is right there and very easy to put events on it.
In a fine arts organization we have MANY events throughout the school year and even during the summer (various "camps"/ private lessons, etc) and we could have students keep track of all of it using the "30 Boxes". This could also be used to communicate events and times of events to parents. I loved the different features such as the printing options, the ability to produce a list for a given day. I'm a LIST person all the way!! Another great feature is the ability to "share" your calendar with your "buddies" on facebook, your blog, etc. We could use this throughout our department to make sure we all know of scheduled events.
Would this increase collaboration?? Definitely" yes" in the sense that we all could know what is going on and not have to email back and forth!
Would this increase productivity?? Definitely" yes "because of the easy and quick features - it is definitely user friendly. Also, going to a "central" calendar that's easy to update and edit at any time would definitely be a time saver.

1 comment:

  1. I am notorious for misplacing my calendar ALL the time. I like the fact that I will always know where it is (O:
